Annual Report 2009

Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 / Annual Report 2009 年報 9 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 Market Review In 2009, the global economy displayed signs of recovery as a result of the aggressive fiscal and monetary policies adopted by governments all over the world. The unit shipment volume of global handset market increased slightly when compared with that of 2008. The smartphones staged favourable growth momentum in terms of shipments while handset camera modules increased its market penetration. The launch of 3G services in China has given initial impetus to the demand for handset lens sets and camera modules with high resolution. This trend is expected to continue in 2010. There was also a slight increase in the global shipments of digital cameras with particularly strong growth in demand for Digital Single Lens Reflex (“DSLR”). Japanese manufacturers began to implement the strategy of sourcing in China. The increasing trend of demand for lenses is expected to continue in 2010. The demand for optical instruments was undermined by the sluggish American and European markets and industrial sector. However, given the increased expenditure on medical and education by government, demand for such products continues to grow. For other fields of the Group, such as security surveillance, vehicle imaging and infrared imaging, the demands recorded a rapid growth. It is expected that the comparatively fast growing trend will be sustained in the coming years. 市場回顧 回顧二零零九年,全球經濟在各個國家政府的積 極的財政與貨幣政策下,已現企穩回升跡象。 全球手機出貨量較二零零八年小幅增長,其中智 能手機增長勢頭良好,手機照像模組滲透率進一 步得到提升。國內 3G 的啟動,已初步體現了對於 高像素手機照相鏡頭及模組需求的拉升,預計二 零一零年將延續這一趨勢。 全球數碼相機出貨量亦有小幅上升,其中單反數 碼相機增長強勁,日本廠商開始採用在中國採購 的策略,預計二零一零年對於鏡片的需求仍會保 持增長趨勢。 光學儀器類市場,由於受到歐美市場以及工業不 振的影響,該類產品市場受到衝擊;但隨著政府 對醫療、教育的進一步投入,需求持續增加。 其他集團所及領域,如安防監控、車載成像及紅 外成像等應用領域需求均實現快速增長,預計未 來仍會保持較快的增長趨勢。