ESG Report 2022

Amoxicillin API is one of the most important training adopts a combination of online and products of the United Laboratories, and every offline methods, providing comprehensive salesperson needs to have relevant product explanations on the physical and chemical knowledge to better carry out market sales p r o p e r t i e s , p a c k a g i n g s p e c i f i c a t i o n s , wo r k . T h e r e f o r e , T h e Z h u h a i Un i t e d production processes, and other aspects of the Laboratories Trading Company Limited product. This is to help sales personnel fully launched the 'Enzymatic Amoxicillin Product understand the product and improve their Knowledge Training' during the year. This professional level. Enzymatic Amoxicillin Product Knowledge Training Management personnel are important decision regular training for management personnel is makers in various matters of the enterprise, and essential. During the Year, the Group organized they must exert good leadership, communication, training events for middle and senior management learning, coordination, etc. in the team. Therefore, through online training. Leadership Training Product Knowledge Training Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2022 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited 49 Carbapenem antibiotics are a class of and production process of each Carbapenem antibiotics that are all synthesized by chemical product. Being the core of professional and processes and have been hailed as the 'last line academic marketing skills, product knowledge of defense' for antibiotics. This year, Zhuhai is a key knowledge and skill that sales United Laboratories Trading Company Limited personnel need to focus on improving. This invited the workshop manager to conduct training focused on Carbapenem products, Carbapenem product knowledge training. This which will enhance the product knowledge level training introduced the antibacterial spectrum, of sales personnel and better serve customers. indications, pharmacokinetic characteristics, Carbapenem Product Knowledge Training