Annual Report 2020

Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2020 06 Chairman’s Statement 主席報告 Dear Shareholders, The Company is pleased to present to the shareholders the annual report for the year of 2020. In 2020, the worldwide spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (“ COVID-19 ”), the rapid and profound development in global political landscape and the everchanging global economic environment have formed an unprecedented tremendous change in the past century, which threatened the development of many corporations. However, the Group worked together with all of its employees to get through this difficult period and achieved excellent performance in pandemic prevention and control, resumption of work and production as well as the enhancement of operational performance, which continuously created value for shareholders. Besides, some relevant subsidiaries of the Group actively responded to the need in pandemic prevention by working overtime during the pandemic to produce key components for anti-pandemic products, which satisfied the anti-pandemic requirement at that time and fulfilled its corporate responsibility. The Group has received wide acclaim from the society. 致股東: 本公司欣然向各位股東提呈二零二零年之 年報。二零二零年,二零一九冠狀病毒病 (「 COVID-19 」)全球肆虐,世界政治格局加速 深刻演進,國際經濟環境詭譎多變,在這百年 未有之大變局中,不少企業命運堪憂。然而, 本集團上下一心,共克時艱,不管是在疫情防 控,還是在復工、復產和提升經營業績方面皆 表現優秀,持續為股東創造了價值。另外,本 集團相關附屬公司積極響應防疫之需,在疫情 期間加班加點,為抗疫產品生產關鍵零部件, 滿足了當時的防疫需求,踐行了企業擔當,為 本集團贏得了社會的廣泛讚譽。 Mr. YE Liaoning 葉遼寧先生