Annual Report 2019

舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2019 年報 13 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 MARKET REVIEW Looking back at 2019, the global economy remained sluggish, with the economic growth reaching the lowest point since the financial crisis in 2008. Meanwhile, the global shipment volume of smartphones continued to decline for the third consecutive year in 2019. According to the report issued by a market analyst firm, Canalys, the global shipment volume of smartphones in 2019 was approximately 1,366.7 million units, representing a decrease of approximately 1.6% compared to that of 2018. As the smartphone market has already been in the stock era, major smartphone brand manufacturers are looking for new functions to seek differentiated competitive advantages and breakthroughs of sales volume. The trend of industrial concentration is increasingly prevalent. In this context, a leapfrog improvement in camera functions leads to the rapid development of the camera technology in smartphone. In 2019, it became a mainstream to equip smartphones with multi- camera. Specifications such as ultra-high resolution, large aperture, large image size, ultra-wide angle, ultra-miniaturisation, telephoto and time of flight (“ TOF ”) were continuously upgraded in order to enrich user experiences such as optical zoom, infinity screen and 3D sensing. Relying on the market-driven technological innovation, the Group actively invests in R&D of new products, and conducts in-depth cooperation with mainstream smartphone brand manufacturers to further develop and consolidate its leading technological advantages in the optical-related industries. 市場回顧 回顧二零一九年,全球經濟仍然疲軟,經濟增 速達到自二零零八年金融風暴以來的最低點。 同時,二零一九年也是全球智能手機出貨量連 續下滑的第三年。根據市場調研機構 Canalys 發佈的報告,二零一九年全球智能手機的出貨 量約 1,366,700,000 部,較二零一八年下降約 1.6% 。 智能手機市場已處於存量時代,各大智能手機 品牌廠商都在尋找新的性能以謀求差異化的競 爭優勢和銷量突破,行業集中化態勢愈發明 顯。在此背景下,智能手機的相機功能得到跨 越式的升級,這也帶動了智能手機攝像頭技 術的快速發展。二零一九年,智能手機配備多 攝像頭成為主流,而超高像素、大光圈、大 像面、超廣角、超小型化、長焦、飛行時間 (「 TOF 」)等規格也持續升級,豐富了光學變 焦、全面屏、 3D 感應等用戶體驗。本集團憑 藉市場驅動的技術創新,為新產品研發積極投 入資源,與主流智能手機品牌廠商展開深度合 作,進一步發揮並鞏固自身在光學相關行業中 的領先技術優勢。