ESG Report 2022

8.2.2 Exhaust Gas Treatment Inner Mongolia Company generates air pollutants s t a n d a r d , I n n e r Mo n g o l i a Comp a n y h a s in the production process, including exhaust gas formulated systems relating to pollutant with a peculiar smell generated from sewage monitoring. In addition to maintaining the treatment process, exhaust gas generated from automatic monitoring systems for relevant production process, phenylacetic acid exhaust e x h a u s t g a s e s , t h e c omp a n y h a s a l s o gas generated from the fermentation process of commissioned a third party monitoring institution phenylacetic acid recycling, smoke of coal-fired to regularly monitor the gas from pollution boiler and the exhaust gas emitted by the used sources in every month or quarter, so as to motor vehicles. In regard to the various types of ensure that the emission of exhaust gas complies exhaust gas, Inner Mongolia Company has set with exhaust gas pollution control standards such corresponding treatment facilities and systems to as the Pollution Control Standard for Hazardous undergo recycling or purification treatment, and Wastes Incineration (GB18484-2001). During the has implemented organic exhaust gas treatment Year, Inner Mongolia Company has conducted 4 projects, so as to ensure that all exhaust gas quarterly monitoring of exhaust gas outlets, all of have reached the national emission standard which met the standards, and no excessive gas before being emitted. In order to ensure that the emissions occurred. amount of emission does not exceed the legal The Inner Mongolia company currently has four stable operation of the reclaimed water system, MVR evaporation systems, which are used for serious malfunctions can affecting the pre-treatment of high-concentration wastewater company's normal production and even posing such as crystallization mother liquor, waste acid the risk of forced shutdown. water, and concentrated brine water. However, To ensure the stable operation of the company's both the crystallization mother liquor and the wastewater treatment system, reclaimed water MVR system for reclaimed water are single-unit system, and production system, the company systems without backup facilities. As the plans to invest RMB78.48 million to build a new system's operation length increases, the failure multi-functional MVR system with a processing rate of the equipment rises, especially for 3 capacity of 4,500m /day as a backup facility for critical components such as the imported the existing MVR systems.The project is compressors in the MVR system, resulting in planned to be put into operation on 31 July longer repair and maintenance cycles. As any 2022. malfunction will directly affect the water quality of the wastewater treatment system and the Multi-functional MVR System 74 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2022 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited