Interim Report 2021

Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • INTERIM REPORT 2021 04 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 MARKET REVIEW Looking back to the first half of 2021, one year after the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (“ COVID-19 ”), vaccination was gradually carried out in various countries. Despite the improvement of the global pandemic situation and the gradual recovery of the global economy, the situation is significantly differentiated and imbalanced. On one hand, affected by the supply of vaccines and export restrictions, the vaccination progress varied in different countries and regions; on the other hand, the emerge and spread of variant strains also posed additional challenges on the fight against the pandemic, the pandemic recurred in several times in some regions and various kinds of economic activities were hit again. In addition, the complicated international situation, trade dispute and geopolitical conflict also increased the potential risk for the recovery of the global trade and economy. In the People’s Republic of China (the “ PRC ” or “ China ”), since the effective containment of the COVID-19, the economy has been experiencing a sustained and steady recovery. China became the world’s first major economy to pick up a positive gross domestic product (“ GDP ”) growth since 2020. 市場回顧 回顧二零二一年上半年,在二零一九冠狀病毒 病(「 COVID-19 」)爆發一年後,各國開始陸 續接種疫苗。隨著全球疫情形勢好轉,世界經 濟逐步復甦,但呈現顯著的分化和不均衡態 勢。一方面,受疫苗供應及出口限制影響,不 同國家和地區疫苗接種進程不一;另一方面, 變異毒株的出現及傳播也給抗擊疫情帶來更 多挑戰,部分地區出現多次的疫情反覆,各 類經濟活動再次受到衝擊。此外,國際形勢錯 綜複雜,貿易爭端及地緣政治衝突也為全球貿 易及經濟恢復增加了潛在風險。而在中華人民 共和國(「 中國 」),自 COVID-19 得到有效控制 之後,經濟持續穩定恢復,並自二零二零年開 始在全球主要經濟體中率先恢復國內生產總值 (「 GDP 」)正增長。