Annual Report 2021

06 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Chairman’s Statement 主席報告 Dear Shareholders, The Company is pleased to present to the shareholders of the Company (the “ Shareholders ”) the annual report for the year of 2021. In 2021, the global economy continued to recover. However, the emergence of new variants brought more uncertainties to the duration of the coronavirus disease 2019 (“ COVID-19 ”). The varied vaccination progress and policies differentiated the economic prospects in different countries. In the face of the intricate and complicated external environment, the Group surmounted the challenges and responded positively, achieved solid development in all of its three major businesses and further created value for the Shareholders. 致股東: 本公司欣然向本公司之各位股東(「 股東 」)提呈 二零二一年之年報。 二 零 二 一 年 , 全 球 經 濟 持 續 復 蘇 , 但 新 變 種 病 毒 的 出 現 給 二 零 一 九 冠 狀 病 毒 病 (「 COVID-19 」)的持續時間帶來更多不確定 性,疫苗接種進度及政策不一也使不同國家的 經濟前景呈現分化的趨勢。面對錯綜複雜的外 部環境,本集團迎難而上,積極應對,三大主 營業務均取得穩健發展,進一步為股東創造了 價值。 Mr. Ye Liaoning 葉遼寧先生 Chairman and Executive Director 主席及執行董事