Annual Report 2020

Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2020 96 Directors’ Report 董事會報告 The Directors are pleased to present the 2020 Annual Report, including the audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2020. PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES The Company acts as an investment holding company. The activities of its principal subsidiaries are set out in Note 43 to the consolidated financial statements. BUSINESS REVIEW Review Under multifaceted pressure arising from the worldwide spread of COVID-19, the intensification of Sino-U.S. trade frictions and the fierce market competition, the Group responded positively to and surmounted the challenges. Leveraging on the leading technological advantages, precise market deployment, diversified customer structure and product mix, consolidated the advantageous businesses continuously and promoted the building of talent team, the overall performance of the Group recorded a decent growth. Details of the core business are set out in the section “Management Discussion and Analysis”. Outlook and Future Strategies Looking ahead to 2021, the Group will further enhance its market competitiveness, strengthen and expand its existing advantageous businesses; improve its refined management to continuously enhance operating quality; increase R&D investment to accelerate the cultivation and growth of new businesses; and accelerate the global deployment of industrial bases in order to consolidate the level of international operations. 董事會欣然提呈二零二零年年報,包括截至二 零二零年十二月三十一日止年度之經審核綜合 財務報表。 主要業務 本公司為一間投資控股公司,其主要附屬公司 的業務載於綜合財務報表附註 43 。 業務回顧 回顧 在 COVID-19 全球蔓延、中美貿易摩擦加劇及 市場競爭激烈等多重壓力下,本集團積極應 對,迎難而上,憑藉領先的技術優勢、精準的 市場佈局、多樣化的客戶結構和產品結構、持 續夯實優勢業務並不斷深入推進人才隊伍建 設,整體業績錄得了較好的增長,有關核心業 務詳情載於「管理層討論與分析」一節中。 展望與未來策略 展望二零二一年,本集團將進一步提升市場競 爭力,做強、做大現有優勢業務;深化精細化 管理,持續提升經營質量;加大研發投入,加 速新事業的培育和成長;加速全球化產業基地 佈局,夯實國際化運營水平。