Interim Report 2019

舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 2019 中期報告 45 Other Information 其他資料 G. INVESTOR RELATIONS AND COMMUNICATION WITH SHAREHOLDERS The Company deeply understands that shareholders are entitled to have a better understanding of the business and prospect of the Group. Therefore, the Company always makes active communication with investment community (including both institutional and individual investors). Shareholder communication policy has been adopted to regulate and promote the efficient and sound communication among the Company, its shareholders and other stakeholders. The policy can be accessed on the Group’s website. The Company releases voluntary announcement of the shipment volume of each major product every month, so as to improve the transparency. Immediately after its publication of annual results in March 2019, the Company has held an investor presentation of annual results in Hong Kong, and has attended a number of investor meetings around the world, which include an Investor Day event, 6 non-deal roadshows and other types of communication activities, so as to keep close contact with the investors. The Company has a dedicated team to maintain contact with investors and handle shareholders’ inquiries. Should investors have any inquiries, please contact the Company’s investor relations management department (Tel: +86-574-6253 4996; +852-3568 7038; email: . G. 投資者關係及股東溝通 本公司深明股東有權對本集團業務及前景有 更多瞭解,故本公司一直採取積極態度與投 資大眾(包括機構及個人投資者)溝通。本公 司已採納股東溝通政策,以規範和促進本公 司、股東與其他利益相關方之間的有效健康 溝通。該政策可在本集團網站上查閱。 本公司每月發佈主要產品出貨量的自願公 告,以提高透明度。緊隨二零一九年三月公 佈全年業績後,本公司在香港舉辦了年度業 績投資者見面會,並在全球各地參加了多場 投資者會議,其中包括 1 次投資者日活動, 6 次非交易路演及其他各種形式的交流活動, 與投資者保持密切聯繫。 本公司設有專門的團隊與投資者保持聯繫及 處理股東的查詢。如投資者有任何查詢,歡 迎聯絡本公司的投資者關係管理部門(電話: +86-574-6253 4996 ; +852-3568 7038 ; 電郵: )。