Interim Report 2018

26 Other Information 其他資料 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited INTERIM REPORT 2018 A. 購買、出售或贖回本公司或 其附屬公司之股份 根據適用的開曼群島公司法和本公司章程細 則,本公司可在若干限制下購回其本身股 份,惟董事會僅可代表本公司行使該項權力 時,必須符合香港聯合交易所有限公司(「 聯 交所 」)不時實施的任何適用規定。截至二零 一八年六月三十日止六個月期間內,本公司 或其任何附屬公司(受限制股份獎勵計劃受託 人所購買除外)概無購買、出售、贖回或撇銷 本公司之上市股份。 B. 購股權計劃 於二零零七年五月二十五日,本公司採納股 權計劃之目的為向對本公司的成功有重大貢 獻的合資格參與者提供鼓勵和獎勵。該計劃 的合資格參與者包括(但不限於)本集團的僱 員、董事和股東。於回顧期初至期末,本集 團之購股權沒有被行使。截至二零一八年六 月三十日止六個月,在該計劃下 (i) 並無授出或 同意授出購股權予任何人士; (ii) 並無任何人 士已行使購股權; (iii) 並無購股權被註銷;及 (iv) 並無購股權被沒收。 C. 受限制股份獎勵計劃 於二零一零年三月二十二日(「 採納日期 」), 董事會採納受限制股份獎勵計劃。根據受限 制股份獎勵計劃,本公司及其附屬公司之董 事、全體僱員、高級職員、代理及顧問均有 權參與是項計劃。受限制股份獎勵計劃之目 的為協助本公司吸納新人、激勵及挽留現有 人才。受限制股份獎勵計劃由採納日期起生 效,並持續生效十年,由其管理委員會及受 託人管理。受限制股份獎勵計劃之詳情載於 簡明綜合財務報表附註內的附註 30 。 A. PURCHASE, SALE OR REDEMPTION OF THE SHARES OF THE COMPANY OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES The Company is empowered by the applicable Cayman Islands Companies Law and the Company’s Articles of the Association to repurchase its own shares subject to certain restrictions and the Board may only exercise this power on behalf of the Company subject to any applicable requirements imposed from time to time by The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“ Stock Exchange ”). There was no purchase, sale, redemption or writing-off by the Company or any of its subsidiaries, with the exception of the trustees of the Restricted Share Award Scheme, of the Company’s listed shares during six months ended 30 June 2018. B. SHARE OPTION SCHEME On 25 May 2007, the Company adopted the share option scheme for the purpose of providing incentives and rewards to eligible participants who have made great contribution to the success of the Company. Eligible participants of the Scheme include, without limitation, employees, Directors and shareholders of the Group. There was no share option of the Group exercised from the beginning and until the end of the period under review. For the six months ended 30 June 2018, no share option (i) has been granted or agreed to be granted to any person; (ii) has been exercised by any person; (iii) has been cancelled; and (iv) has been forfeited under the Scheme. C. R E S T R I C T E D S H A R E AWA R D SCHEME On 22 March 2010 (the “ Adoption Date ”), the Board adopted the Restricted Share Award Scheme. Pursuant to the Restricted Share Award Scheme, the Directors, all employees, senior staff, agents and consultants of the Company and its subsidiaries are entitled to participate in this scheme. The purpose of the Restricted Share Award Scheme is to assist the Company in attracting new staff as well as motivating and retaining its current talents. The Restricted Share Award Scheme shall be effective from the Adoption Date and shall continue in full force and effect for a term of 10 years and be managed by its administrative committee and the trustee. Details of the Restricted Share Award Scheme are set out in Note 30 of the notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements.