Interim Report 2013

Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited Interim Report 2013 62 Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements 簡明綜合財務報表附註 For the six months ended 30 June 2013 截至二零一三年六月三十日止六個月 21. 關連人士披露(續) (d) 主要管理人員薪酬 主要管理人員薪酬較截至二零一二年六 月三十日止六個月者有所增加乃由於本 集團於本中期期間的收入增加所致。 22. 遞延收入 於二零一三年六月三十日,遞延收入包括有 關生產線技術改進成本及技術項目研發成 本的政府補貼,分別為約人民幣 3,833,000 元(二零一二年十二月三十一日:約人民 幣 4,382,000 元) 及 約 人 民 幣 13,306,000 元(二零一二年十二月三十一日:約人民幣 8,087,000 元)。該等金額已確認為遞延收 入,並於已改進生產線相關資產的可使用年 期內於損益中確認。該政策導致本期間收 入入賬約人民幣 1,560,000 元(二零一二年 同期:約人民幣 548,000 元)。於二零一三 年六月三十日,尚有約人民幣 17,139,000 元(二零一二年十二月三十一日:約人民幣 12,469,000 元)的款項有待攤銷。 21. RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURES (Continued) (d) Compensation of key management personnel Six months ended 30 June 截至六月三十日止六個月 2013 2012 二零一三年 二零一二年 RMB’000 RMB’000 人民幣千元 人民幣千元 (unaudited) (unaudited) (未經審核) (未經審核) Short-term benefits 短期福利 5,331 4,692 Post-employment benefits 離職后福利 311 188 Share award scheme benefits 股份獎勵計劃福利 2,213 1,407 7,855 6,287 The increase in compensation of key management personnel compared with the six months ended 30 June 2012 was due to the increase of revenue of the Group during the current interim period. 22. DEFERRED INCOME As at 30 June 2013, the deferred income comprised a government subsidy of approximately RMB3,833,000 (31 December 2012: approximately RMB4,382,000) towards the cost of technology enhancement of its production lines and approximately RMB13,306,000 (31 December 2012: approximately RMB8,087,000) towards the cost of research and development of technology projects. The amounts have been recognised as deferred income. The amounts are recognised in profit or loss over the useful lives of the relevant assets in the enhanced production lines. This policy has resulted in a credit to income in the current period of approximately RMB1,560,000 (corresponding period of 2012: approximately RMB548,000). As at 30 June 2013, an amount of approximately RMB17,139,000 (31 December 2012: approximately RMB12,469,000) remains to be amortised.