Interim Report 2011

Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 / Interim Report 2011 中期報告 2 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 The Group is a leading integrated optical components and products manufacturer in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC” or “China”). The Group is principally engaged in the design, research and development (“R&D”), manufacturing and sales of optical and optical-related products. Such products include optical components (such as glass spherical and aspherical lenses, plates, prisms, handset lens sets, vehicle lens sets and other various lens sets), optoelectronic products (such as handset camera modules, security cameras and other optoelectronic modules) and optical instruments (such as microscopes, optical measuring instruments and optical analytical instruments). We focus on the market of optoelectronic related products, such as handsets, digital cameras, vehicle imaging systems, security surveillance systems, optical measuring instruments and optical analytical instruments, which are combined with optical, electronic and mechanical technologies. Save as disclosed in this announcement, there has been no material change in the development or future developments of the Group’s business and financial position, and no important events affecting the Group has occurred since the publication of the annual report of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010. A. Financial Review Revenue The Group’s revenue for the six months ended 30 June 2011 was approximately RMB1,102.7 million, representing an increase of approximately 32.2% or approximately RMB268.7 million compared with the corresponding period of the previous year. The increase was mainly attributable to the benefit from business opportunities brought by the rapid growth of smartphones and 3G handsets and the increase in demand for consumer DSLR. Revenue generated from the optical components business segment increased by approximately 21.3% to approximately RMB494.3 million compared with the corresponding period of the previous year. The increase was mainly attributable to the improvement in product mix, the increase in average selling price and the considerable increase in shipment volume for certain products. 本集團為一間中華人民共和國(「中國」)領先的 綜合光學零件及產品生產商。本集團主要從事設 計、研究與開發(「研發」)、生產及銷售光學及其 相關產品。該等產品包括光學零件(例如玻璃球 面或非球面鏡片、平面鏡片、棱鏡、手機鏡頭、 車載鏡頭及其他各種鏡頭)、光電產品(例如手機 相機模組、安防相機及其他光電模組)及光學儀 器(例如顯微鏡、光學測量儀器及各種光學分析 儀器)。本集團專注的市場領域為:手機、數碼相 機、車載成像系統、安防監控系統、光學測量儀 器及光學分析儀器等需綜合運用光學、電子、機 械技術的光電相關產品。 除本公佈所披露者外,本集團之業務及財務狀況 之發展或未來發展並無出現重大變動,且自本公 司刊發截至二零一零年十二月三十一日止年度之 年報起亦無發生對本集團造成影響之重要事件。 A. 財務回顧 銷售收入 截至二零一一年六月三十日止六個月,本 集團的收入約為人民幣 1,102,700,000 元, 與去年同期比較增加約 32.2% 或約為人民幣 268,700,000 元。收入上升主要原因是受惠於 智能手機與 3G 手機需求的快速增長,及消費 型數碼單反相機的需求增長。 光學零件事業的銷售收入較去年同期上升約 21.3% 增至約為人民幣 494,300,000 元。收入 增長主要是由於產品結構改善,產品平均售 價提升以及部份產品出貨量的增長。