Annual Report 2008

Annual Report 2008 年報 45 Corporate Governance Report (in Renminbi (“RMB”) millions, except per share amounts) 企業管治報告 (人民幣百萬元,每股金額除外) The Directors recognise the importance of incorporating elements of good corporate governance in the management structures and internal control procedures of the Group so as to achieve effective accountability and to maximise the shareholders’ benefits. CODE ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PRACTICES The Company complied with all the principles and code provisions and most of the recommended best practices of the Code on Corporate Governance Practices (“Corporate Governance Code”) contained in Appendix 14 to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“Listing Rules”) for the year ended 31 December 2008. The corporate governance practices adopted by the Company are summarized below. THE BOARD Board Functions Accountable to the Shareholders, the Board of Directors is responsible for the promotion of the success of the Company by directing and guiding its developments and operations in a responsible and effective manner. Board members have a duty to act in good faith, with due diligence and care, and in the best interests of the company and its shareholders. While business operations are delegated to qualified management under the supervision of the respective executive Directors, the types of decisions which are to be taken by the Board include: 1. Setting the Company’s mission and values; 2. Formulating strategic directions of the Company; 3. Reviewing and guiding corporate strategy; setting performance objectives and monitoring implementation and corporate performance; 4. Monitoring and managing potential conflicts of interest of management and Board members; and 5. Ensuring the integrity of the Company’s accounting and financial reporting systems, including the independent audit, and that appropriate systems of control are in place, in particular, systems for monitoring risk, financial control, and compliance with the law. 董事深信本集團的管理架構及內部監控程式必須 具備優良的企業管治元素,方可促成有效問責, 使得股東利益最大化。 企業管治常規守則 截至二零零八年十二月三十一日止年度,本公司 遵守香港聯合交易所有限公司證券上市規則(「上 市規則」)附錄十四所載之企業管治常規守則(「企 業管治守則」)之所有原則及守則條文以及大部份 建議最佳常規。本公司所採納之企業管治常規概 述如下: 董事會 董事會職能 董事會須向股東負責,並有責任通過盡責有效的 方式,推動及領導本公司之業務發展及運作,助 本公司業務更進一步。董事會成員有責任真誠、 勤勉及審慎工作,維護本公司及股東最佳利益。 在本公司業務由合資格管理人員在各執行董事的 監察下營運管理基礎上,董事會則負責下列決 策: 1. 訂立本公司目標及價值; 2. 制定本公司策略方針; 3. 檢討及督導企業策略;訂立表現目標及監察 實施情況與企業表現; 4. 監察及管理管理層與董事會成員的潛在利益 衝突;及 5. 確保本公司會計與財務申報系統一致,包括 獨立審核,以及確保設有適當監控系統,尤 其是監察風險、財務監控及守法的系統。