ESG Report 2018

EMERGENCY HANDLING In order to prevent the impacts of the hazardous substances generated from the process of production and emission on the surrounding environment , Inner Mongolia Company has formulated emergency plans for environmental accidents , and established emergency rescuing systems and procedures to handle potential accidents . Inner Mongolia Company has established an emergency rescue command center . In case of emergency , the Command Center is responsible for coordinating the emergency rescue work . The establishment of the Command Center has greatly strengthened the capability of Inner Mongolia Company in crisis solving and accident handling . For the hazardous chemicals that may cause high risk of accidents , Inner Mongolia Company has established specific treatment methods for hazardous chemical leakage of various types of products , so as to reduce the risks of environmental damages to the minimum . During the Year , Inner Mongolia Company has organized comprehensive environment emergency drills , which enabled employees at all positions to understand and familiarize themselves with the procedures and responsibilities of emergency handling . REDUCTION IN THE USE OF PACKAGING MATERIALS In regard to the production lines, apart from adopting the various measures in emission reduction , pollution elimination and reduction in energy consumption , Inner Mongolia Company has actively reduced the use of packaging materials under the prerequisite of meeting the related packaging requirements . Indicators 2018 2017 Plastic products 350 338 Paper products 1,928 2,229 Consumption of packaging materials per ton of products (kg) Plastic products 8 . 83 9 . 62 Paper products 48 . 58 63 . 47 20 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2018 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited Total consumption of packaging materials (tons)