Company Name | China Motor Bus Company, Limited |
Registered Office | 2606-08, 26th Floor, Island Place Tower 510 King's Road North Point, Hong Kong |
Head Office and Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong | 2606-08, 26th Floor, Island Place Tower 510 King's Road North Point, Hong Kong |
Sector | Properties / Investment |
Phone Number | (852) 2515 1331 |
Fax Number | (852) 2556 1981 |
Financial Year End | June 30 |
Board of Directors | Executive Directors Dr. Henry NGAN (Chairman) YUNG Shun Loy Jacky (Chief Executive Officer) Michael John MOIR Independent Non-Executive Directors Anthony Grahame STOTT, B.Sc., F.F.A. Stephen TAN, M.B.A., B.A. Dr. CHAU Ming Tak Lynne Jane ARNETT |
Company Secretary | KWOK Pun Tak |
Principal Bankers | The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Standard Chartered Bank |
Auditors | KPMG Public Interest Entity Auditor registered in accordance with the Accounting and Financial Reporting Council Ordinance |
Solicitors | MAYER BROWN Linklaters Ngan & Co. |
Registrar and Transfer Office | Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre 183 Queen's Road East Hong Kong |
HKEX Stock Code | 26 |
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