YTC Resources Limited

Corporate Information

Company Name YTC Resources Limited
Registered Office YTC Resources Limited
2 Corporation Place
Principal Place of Business YTC Resources Limited
2 Corporation Place
Sector Materials / Mining
GISC Industry Group Materials
Internet Homepage Address (URL)
Phone Number (612) 6361 4700
Fax Number (612) 6361 4711
Email Address
Financial Year End June 30
Board of Directors Mr. Anthony Wehby - Chairman (Appointed on 13 December 2011)
Mr. Rimas Kairaitis - Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Wenxiang Gao - Non-executive Director (Appointed on 13 December 2011)
Mr. Robin Chambers - Non-Executive Director
Dr. Guoqing Zhang - Non-Executive Director
Ms. Christine Ng - Non-Executive Director
Dr. Guoqing Zhang - Alternate Director to Dr. Wenxiang Gao (Appointed on 24 November 2011)
Mr. Yong Chen - Alternate Director to Ms. Christine Ng (Appointed on 5 December 2011)
Mr. Gary Comb - Independent Non-executive Director (Appointed on 4 July 2012)
Mr. Mark Milazzo - Non-Executive Director (Appointed on 6 August 2012)
Mr. Richard Willson - Alternate Director (Appointed on 20 November 2012)

Mr. Stephen Woodham - Non-Executive Director (Resigned on 6 August 2012)
Mr. Richard Hill - Non-Executive Director (Resigned on 11 July 2012)
Senior Management Mr. Rimas Kairaitis - Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Richard Willson - Chief Financial Officer, Commercial Manager and Company Secretary
Mr. Dean Fredericksen - Chief Operations Officer
Mr. Sean Pearce - General Manager - Hera Project
Mr. Ray Dekker - Project Supervisor
Mr. Stuart Jeffrey - Principal Geologist - Hera & Nymagee Projects
Company Secretary Mr. Richard Willson
Investor Relations Contact Mr. Rimas Kairaitis and Mr. Richard Willson
Auditors and Investigating Accountant Ernst and Young
680 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Solicitors Steinepreis Paganin
Lawyers and Consultants
Level 4, Next Building
16 Milligan Street
Share Register Security Transfer Registrars Pty Ltd
770 Canning Highway
Applecross WA 6153

Telephone: (08) 9315 2333
Facsimile: (08) 9315 2233
ASX Stock Code YTC
Listing Date 8 May 2007
Shares on Issue 252.7 m (as of 21 November 2012)
Options on Issue 2.915 m (as of 21 November 2012)
Major Shareholders
  • Retail:
  • 55%
  • Institutional:
  • 24%
  • Yunnan Tin Group:
  • 12.1%
  • Glencore:
  • 6.4%
  • Board and Management:
  • 2.5%
    (Approx % as of 21 November 2012)
    Market Capitalization $63.2 m (at 25cps)
    A$117 m (As of 20 March 2012)
    A$148 m (As of 15 August 2011)
    Cash $12.5 m (As of 30 September 2012)
    Enterprise Value $50.7 m (As of 21 November 2012)
    Capital Raising
  • 24 March 2011
    Raised $25 m through placement of 44 m shares at $0.57 per share, funding a continued aggressive evaluation of the Nymagee Copper deposit and the integrated Hera-Nymagee Project
  • Placement structured in two tranches
    - Tranche 1 - issue of 30.6 m shares, completed on 5 April
    - Tranche 2 - issue of a further 13.4 m
    ABN 37 108 476 384
    ACN 108 476 384

    updated 29th November, 2012

  • Company's Index

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